The VPAM BRV VR7 Edition 3 standard is a ballistic vehicle resistance standard developed by VPAM for armored vehicle testing against various caliber ammunition.  Unlike the CEN standard which only tests and certifies the material used in the construction of an armored vehicle, VPAM BRV test the whole vehicle and not just the materials used. First, the VPAM technical team analyzes the armoring design of the manufacturer in order to identify any potential weak points of the vehicle. This information is then utilized during the testing process, where the test projectiles are concentrated in perceived “weak” areas, such as the joints, doors, and pillars.  In order for a vehicle to pass and be awarded the VPAM BRV VR certification, it must defeat every single projectile fired upon it i.e. there could not be even one penetration to the vehicle. Please see VPAM Standards for the different levels of certification available.  The most common one used for commercial armored vehicles is the VR7 level certification which provides protection against 7.62 x51 and 5.56 x 45 rounds and VR9 which provides protection against armor piercing rounds, 7.62 x 51 AP or Winchester .308 AP.

The IAG armored Toyota Land Cruiser 300 Convoy® is the first BRV VR7 Edition 3 certified armored vehicle in the world.

VPAM BRV VR7 Edition 3 Toyota Land Cruiser

International Armored Group‘s armored VR7 Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Convoy® was one of the first armored vehicles in the world to be fully certified under the VPAM BRV 2009 standards to level VR7. The certification test was conducted independently by the internationally acclaimed laboratory for ballistic testing Beschussamt Mellrichstadt in Germany. The BRV 2009 standard is significantly more comprehensive than the older and out-of-date VPAM BRV 1999 VR6 test. Certified armored vehicles under the BRV2009 standards, such as IAG’s VR7 Landcruiser Convoy®, offer superior ballistic protection and blast protection when compared to vehicles without this certification. IAG is amongst the first manufacturers in the world to obtain the VR7 certification based on the more stringent requirements of the BRV 2009 standard.

In September 2021, International Armored Group was the first company in the world to design, armor and certify the all new Toyota Land Cruiser 300 to VPAM BRV VR7 Edition 3 standard.

During the live fire testing procedure, the IAG Convoy® armored VR7 Toyota Land Cruiser withstood over 400 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45mm rifle rounds fired from all angles at all sides of the vehicle, including the windows, roof and rear hatch, in addition to obscure areas such as door seams, pillars, handles and other potential weak points in the armoring.

ERV 2010 VR7 Toyota Land Cruiser

The emergence of explosive threats such as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) has become the number one concern for vehicle survivability.  In addition to the to VR7 ballistic certification process, IAG has also conducted comprehensive blast testing under ERV2010 standard for the armored Toyota Land Cruiser 300 Convoy®. The test consisted of the following types of explosives threats:

  • Side: IED 15kg of TNT detonated at 2 meters distance
  • Floor: 1 x DM31 Anti-Tank Fragmentation Land Mine
  • Floor: 1 x DM31 Anti-Tank Fragmentation Land Mine
  • Roof:  2 x DM51 German Ordinance Hand Grenades
  • Roof:  2 x DM51 German Ordinance Hand Grenades
  • Roof:  1 x HG85 Swiss Fragmentation Hand Grenade

The test vehicle was inspected after each blast.  The IAG Convoy® sustained no deformations or penetrations in the armored passenger cabin, effectively shielding the occupants from the shrapnel and pressures of the various explosives.